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Jon - The Early Years

School - ah yes, the good old days when the worst thing that could happen to you was forgetting to do your homework on time! Although, thinking about it, that could be pretty bad, if you had some of the teachers that I had!

Here are a list of the schools that I went to:

  • Three Bridges First School
  • Three Bridges Middle School
  • Hazelwick Comprehensive School
  • UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

Of course, after a few years, particularly living abroad, it's all too easy to lose touch with the people you got to know during those halcyon days... These days, Facebook and other social media sites allow you to upload information about yourself, pictures, and, crucially, to interact with other users that have done the same. I've got back in touch with a huge number of people from way back and even got hold of a few rare (and quite horrible) photos...

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