When I was much, much younger, I had a considerable amount of Lego that I loved playing with. Then I grew up and other things got in the way. My collection was put into storage in hte hope that one day, my own children may take an interest in it and I could pretend to help them build stuff while at the same time reliving a little of those halcyon, carefree days. That never really happened - they were only ever really interested in things that had screens!
While having a bit of a clear out and general tidy up, I realised that something needed to be done with all those bricks... The spare bedroom very quickly became my Lego studio and display area and a few old models got rebuilt. Then I discovered BrickLink Studio and found that it is possible to design stuff digitally without initially having the parts...
So now I do both - build 'real world' models (mostly Star Wars and Speed Champions) as well as designing some models that I (as well as other people) can then build... I share my designs with the world on Rebrickable, so if you're interested, head on over and have a look. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!